Why do we do it? series
This is a series that explores the quirks of creatively passionate people (and the people behind them).
Burnout – Every creative has those moments where their creativity and enthusiasm fizzles out and they wonder when/if it’ll ever come back.
Model: Fay Noir
MUA: Rochelle Jennison-Smith
It costs nothing for a candle to light another – Creatives at their worst can be locked into petty rivalries but at our best we can inspire and lift each other up.
Model: Fay Noir
MUA: Rochelle Jennison-Smith
Hope and dreams – So you seek a career in the creative arts? Darling I’ve got just what you need.
Model: Emma
The broken dancer – A nod to the fact every dancer I know that is worth a damn has broken something & suffered for their art.
Model: Emma
The broken dancer 2
One Day…
Model: Tilly
I just want to dance – when you can’t do what you love
Model: Tilly
The invisible hand – a dark interpretation of parental pressure
Model: Tilly
The misunderstood dance mum – Dance mums and I have always been on the same page, you’re one of the few groups beyond other creatives who get you can’t just plonk a girl in front of a camera and expect to rival a pinterest grade image, you’re the ones who ask me “how do you want her hair?” and come armed with costumes and hair spray. We’re both obsessed with chasing an ideal, so I get you, but this image is done from the perspective of someone who doesn’t get it and only sees your nitpicking & controlling side.
Models: Tilly & Kerry Walker
The human prop – is modelling a means of celebrating form or reducing people into props?
Model: Tilly